Retire to Portugal

Portugal has been a popular place to retire to for many years years.

There are miles of golden sandy beaches.   

Portugal offers some of the best healthcare in the world.

Portugal offers a low cost of living.

It is a safe place to live.

Low tax rate for pensioners from abroad

What is the D7 Visa for Portugal?    

The D7 Visa is an immigration permit allowing you to reside in Portugal provided you have enough funds to sustain yourself during the duration of your stay. Ideal for retirees, with passive income from a pension or rental income.

Subscribe for our Free D7 Checklist

If you would like a free copy of our D7 Checklist with useful links, visit this page

If this sheet helps you, all we ask is that you share a link to social media and FaceBook groups you belong to - the address is   

This sheet is evolving so please register on the form to receive free updates. It reflects our experiences which are ongoing, so will be updated as and when. Subscribers are encouraged to feedback their experiences to keep this checklist up to date and relevant.  We have wasted time and money in the process so far, so hope that this checklist will help you avoid some of the expensive mistakes and list the significant savings we have made. Had I had the information on this sheet before I started the process, I would have saved time and money. 

Below we list the requirement. We will list the companies we use on the D7 Checklist - contact us by the form to subscribe.

How to Qualify for the D7 Visa


1/. You will need to support yourself during your stay in Portugal. The figure recommended keeps changing according to policy and the cost of living index in Portugal. We were asked to have €17,000 per person invested, but for children you need a lower amount. 

2/. You will need evidence of a clean criminal record. This cost us £18 per person, and we were happy with the service we received.

3/. You will need travel Insurance. We paid £159.76 and we are happy with the service received.

4/. You will need private Portuguese Health insurance. 

5/. You will need a NIF number, which is similar to the UK National Insurance Number. We were happy with the service re received which cost us €73,68 including VAT, per annum.

6/. You will need a Portuguese Bank Account with €17,000 deposited and regular income paid into. This has been an arduous process so far, but we managed to set up a bank account on-line  - many banks wanted a visit to their bank, in Portugal, or at their UK office. Covid restrictions created problems for us. 

7/. You will need a 12 months rental agreement. Or sponsorship from someone who will provide accommodation for you for 12 month period. This has been a difficult process for us, since we wish to move to the Algarve, and rental companies make big bucks from May until September, so are reluctant to offer 12 month rental agreements.

NOTE: Different Portuguese Consulates around the world have different interpretations for the D7 application requirements; some consulates may allow a 6 month rental agreement. Without the belt and braces approach, your application may get rejected, but rejection won’t stop you from being able to reapply provided you overcome the visa rejection issues.

Some Consulates have been swamped with applications and have appointed VFS Global to handle D7 visa application. Our process is ongoing.

The D7 visa can then be renewed after one year for two successive periods of two years and can be converted into a permanent residence permit after five years. 
In addition, after five years of holding the D7 visa, you’ll also be able to request Portuguese nationality, provided you fulfil the other requirements. These periods are set to change - there are many grey areas in the D7 process due to politics.

Following the temporary visa approval, attend your appointment with the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service SEF, where you’ll enrol your biometric data. Note - The SEF are reported to be catching up with demand, as they are not happy with recent reorganisations inflicted on them by the government. Many applicants are not receiving appointment dates, it is currently a big problem. 

If you hold the D7 Residency Visa, you are entitled to benefit from Portugal’s Non-Habitual Tax (NHR) Regime. The NHR is a generous tax program with numerous benefits pertaining to your global income. It offers tax-free incentives on certain categories for a period of up to ten years.
Below are the types of income that may qualify under the NHR program:
  • Dividends
  • Real estate income
  • Capital gains from the disposal of real estate
  • Occupational pensions
  • Royalties
  • Business and self-employment profits derived from eligible occupations (but be mindful of relevant double taxation agreements)

As of 2020, pensioners registering for the NHR tax scheme are now taxed at a rate of 10%.

Contact us if you would like to order the D7 Checklist with useful links. This sheet is still evolving as it reflects our experiences which are ongoing.